ComicsPundit gets the hard reboot.


So, for the umpteenth* time, I’m redesigning my blog.

This time, however, I’m dropping the “ComicsPundit” brand. It was created at a time when I thought I could focus on the intersection of two of my passions. But I was all over the place, sometimes comics, sometimes politics, sometimes both, sometimes something completely different.

So, where the domain still brings you here, and I’ll continue to use it for my e-mail, I will be eventually start using to be the blog here.

To start with, I’ve put all prior posts into review. I’ll gradually post them back. Some trivial posts won’t make the cut, but most of them will get back on here.

Also, a project that I’ll be announcing soon will be taking up a lot of the posts for the next couple of months.

Update: July 15, 2024

That aforementioned project was my campaign to run for the position of Secretary on the Libertarian National Committee. That has passed, but long troubles in trying to get a new feature to work as I expected it to (custom uploaded fonts being part of the WordPress system) caused me to bounce around a variety of web hosting options.

I did consider a fully static blog, but CMSes to support it are not user-friendly, and hand coding, though possible, would be too much work and not include a critical part of a website: its RSS feed. (It’s important for me to read other websites; it’s only fair that I return the courtesy.)

But I’ve gotten fonts to work right and settled on a web host (I’d better have, I paid up for three years of discounted service). So the design work and blog post updating begin.

*_Apparently, “umpteenth” is now an actual word in the dictionary. I discovered this when spellcheck corrected a typo in the word. Language is indeed a virus.


One response to “ComicsPundit gets the hard reboot.”

  1. Good luck with the reboot! Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

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